SEMESTER 2: PROJECT 1 (4 weeks)
Project outcome:
1) To create a journey "from here to there" through creative spatial movement that is confined within a volume of 6m cube. However, this volume of space can be stretched to a narrow vertical space or a long horizontal space.
2) Demonstrate an understanding of design principles through the design & planning and arrangement of a spatial journey.
3) Demonsrate ability to show design process in 2D and 3D means through sketches, 3D drawings and execution of 3D models.
4) Reflect and evaluate your commitment to this project and the final result.
You are advised to use the steps below to guide your work.
STEP 1 - Starting point: In your journal, sketch possible permutations of a 2D vertical and horizontal lines, If you prefer to do curved or diagonal lines, work on a black and white composition as well. Create many black and white composition with different compositions. These compositions could evolve from various concepts that you may have. You can also look into urban planning figure ground drawings for inspiration. Show to tutors at least 4 figure ground sketches before the end of studio (23/1/09)
STEP 2 - Drawing ideas from your ground sketches and deciding on a design direction you like, construct several models of your design/scheme. Proceed with developing and refining the models. Present 3 alternatives of your scheme on thursday (5/2/09) for furthur comments.
STEP 3 - Discuss your design process using sketches and working models during tutorial on 12/2/09
STEP 4 - Present final draft of scheme on Thursday 19/2/09 for final crit (models and schematic drawings). Based on the suggestion made by the tutors, improve your design for the final submission on 26/2/09
STEP 5 - Submit final scheme using drawings (plan, elevation, axonometric drawings on one A1 board) and a final all while model at 1:20 scale on 26/2/09 for assesment.
So here's some of the pictures taken on my project,
My lecturer told me to look for other new ideas, so here's wat pop out from my head after that......
Here's my journey "from here to there". my concept is dreams, which everyone has. In order to achieve my dreams, i have to take a path,which is divided into 3 stages. In the very beginning, i have to walk up a simple staircase, which is the 1st stage of my dream.
After arriving at the 1st stage, I now have to walk a more difficult path, by climbing up and down a series of surfaces, in order to achieve the 2nd stage of my dream.
the cubes at stage 3 are arranged that way(suspended high in air) so that it means that the final stage of my dream is the most difficult to achieve, and you can see the base of the cubes are made of perspect, so that when i walk this path, i can see everything beneath it, which is the 1st and 2nd stage of my dream. This indicates that i'll remember all that i've gone thru, including all those who've helped me.
orthographic (sideview)
So, after a month of cutting styrofoam and cardboard, i'm glad its finally over. Special thanks to all thosen who've helped me,my parents, my lecturers Dr. Sab and Cik Linda, my classmates, my roommates who i spent my sleepless nights with, and of course Amy, thanks for your encouragements and supports. :) Till my next project.