Phase 1
Students are to choose their favourite play/theater that can fit into the theme of " OPULENCE" for its stage set. Understand and analyse the playwright's script, aspiration, requirement and the feel of the play before embarking on your idea formulation. Analyse and evaluate critically courses such as images, objects, artifacts and texts, showing understanding purposes, meanings and contexts. Research on artist and arts related to "opulence" in broad manner : artists, arts craft, visual arts, performing acts, etc. Students are to create individual brief/design intention.
The size of the stage is 15m by 10m by 10m. (length, width, height)
Phase 2:
Ideas formulation :present 3 alternatives concepts for crti 1. Show accumulation of work in journal and model form. Students to show personal interpretation on the theme opulence. Experimenting/exploring ideas using analyzing methods and outcomes. Students are to create and develop individual brief/design intention.
Phase 3:
Design Development. Develop ideas through sustained investigations and exploration, selecting and using materials, processes and resources, identifying and interpreting relationships and analyzing methods and outcomes. Present ideas using mock-up/conceptual model.
Phase 4: Final Draft
Crit and assessment. Present draft model and draft presentation drawings (including concept diagrams) on one A1 board.
Phase 5 : Final crit
Present a personal, coherent and informed response, realizing intentions, articulating and explaning connections with the work of others. Show models, drawings and journal.
So i just copied what is written in my hand out, so that people could understand what is the criteria and element needed in this project.
I choose the movie Lord Of The Rings and the musical, as my stage set, it is at Rivendell where the council of Elrond decide what to do with the one ring, it is also where Frodo Baggins volunteered to bring the ring to mount doom to be destroyed.
Left doors
Can't believe its final exam again @@, which means no more project till next sem, lol, finally can get some rest. Art review is on the 18th of may, hopefully i'll not be too lazy to upload the pictures later XD.